The Importance Of Intellectual Property To Investors

Intellectual property (IP) plays a crucial role in the investment world. Investors are interested in companies with strong IP portfolios as it can be a valuable asset that contributes to a company's competitive advantage and long-term profitability. IP includes trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets that provide legal protection for innovative ideas, products, and processes. Companies with strong IP portfolios are more likely to...

The Increase In Cybercrime & How To Protect Your Business

Worried about how secure your business is? You should be: Cybercrime has increased by 600% since the COVID-19 pandemic. Cybercrime includes a wide range of illegal activities that are conducted via digital devices, computers or computer networks, such as ransomware, phishing and other social engineering attacks, and identity theft and fraud. There are millions of types of ransomware, malware that is designed to encrypt data on a computer; it...